The Pudding Club - June/July 2023

The Pudding Club!

….aka ‘all the stuff they don’t tell you in antenatal classes…and then some’ ….with pudding.

We have put this magical course together to ease you gently into parenthood.

So you’ve focused on birth, know all there is to know about pain relief, done your hypnobirthing and hired your tens machine….but then what?

What happens when ‘they let you’ go home …with a whole new human!

During these 3 sessions we – (Gill and Jen) will guide you on ‘what now!?’.

Based on our conversations at The Baby Room with new parents who say…
‘why did no-one tell me that!’ and
‘I do not remember covering that at antenatal’.

We will cover a wide range of topics over the sessions touching on…

  • Newborn Slings, carriers and essential baby wearing safety,
  • Cloth nappies and wipes.
  • Breastfeeding, pumps, and paraphernalia you didn’t know existed but may find very useful
  • We will also touch lightly on mental health,
  • Normal newborn behaviour and
  • Where to get support when you need it.

Each class will be a mixture of the above and help you as you start this new adventure – which basically has no accurate map, recent tour guide or specific manual for your new and unique journey into the unknown.

The Pudding Club is our gift to you, and your new family – your trail of breadcrumbs through the woods.

Feel free to come on your own or with your partner or a birth partner.

There will be multiple yummy puddings of some form or another, we try to cater for everyone and will have gluten free and vegan options too. Cold drinks, tea, coffee, decafs and herbal teas will all be available.

Please let us know if you have any other allergies we should know about.

The dates are…

Tuesday 20th, 27th June and 4th July 2023.
7 pm for 7.30 start, til 9pm with a 9.30 ish finish.





The Pudding Club - June/July 2023



Please let me know if you cant come, no shows mean someone else misses out on a space.

Parking information can be found here:

Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements, we always have a vegan option for at least one pudding. Decafs, fruit teas and plant based milks are always available at groups at The Baby Room.

Any questions please message Jen via the contact page.

Additional information

Single or couple

Single Adult, Couple