Cloth Nappies - the low down!

Disposable Nappies – The Facts

  • In the UK, between 8 and 9 million disposable nappies are thrown away every day, amounting to 4% of UK waste.
  • Disposable nappies contain chemicals, which are in constant contact with your baby’s skin.
  • They are massively damaging to the environment and take centuries to decompose.
  • Up until your child is potty trained they work out much more expensive than reusable nappies.
  • Lots of wasteful packaging, nappies are packed, boxed and then wrapped onto a pallet with plastic.
  • They are transported miles in lorries and on boats from factory – to distributor – to retailer
  • Watch this video…..I’m in it!!!
  • You can run out!

Real Cloth Nappies: The Facts

  • They cause much less damage to the environment.
  • No landfill worries.
  • Your local council may (MAY!) refund some of the cost of reusable nappies.
  • They are a lot cheaper than disposables. Prices vary depending on which system you use. Here is my price list… Current Price List April 2021
  • Here are the Statistics from ‘Go-Real’
  • Babies in cloth nappies can be potty trained more easily as they are aware of being wet.
  • They come in many designs; ranging from plain white to bright, funky patterns.
  • You don’t have to wash them yourself; you can use a nappy washing service instead. These collect your dirty nappies and deliver clean ones to your door! There isn’t one in Exeter at the moment but watch this space…
  • They contain no chemicals.
  • Babies are no more likely to get nappy rash with real nappies than disposables.
  • You never run out! Wet nappies can be ‘emergency dried’ by various methods …hung on a radiator… tumble dried…in the airing cupboard…in front of the fire….

A baby is born in the UK!

The Devon Real Nappy Project

I am an Independent Nappy Advisor and also work as a volunteer for the Devon Real Nappy Project. I also have several trial nappy kits for Devon County Council which contain a selection of nappies for you to try at home, this way you can see how easy it all is. 

It’s FREE to hire a kit so if you’d like to borrow one for a month contact me or come along to a Nappuccino and pick one up.

Borrowing the trail kit enables you to really get to grips with which type of nappy is best for you and your family. Every family is different and has different reasons for using cloth nappies equally different families have different facilities and as we already know – no two babies are the same!

Why not host a real nappy party! If you’re thinking of using real nappies gather a few mums together and lets make an evening of it. Drop me an email or give me a call.

Washing Instructions - more simple than you think!

There are a million facebook pages suggesting some scary washing routines, some include bleach, 90 washes and 3 hour cycles – mine are WAY simpler.

  1. Get rid of the poo – either throw away with the paper liner or sluice in the loo
  2. Prepare any velcro tabs ready for the wash
  3. When your bucket is full put its contents in the washer along with your wipes
  4. Cold rinse and spin, about 15 mins – this gets rid of wee (not a prewash as this often recycles the water in the main wash)
  5. 40 degree normal wash with…
  6. Non Bio Powder – not liquid, no pods, no softener, no scent boosters
  7. Fastest spin possible
  8. Line dry before finishing off in the tumble if a last resort
  9. Store in a warm place between use – nice for your baby!
Any stains will come out in the daylight, not even direct sun! 

Who is Peggy?….

If you haven’t got one – get a Peggy – here is my Amazon link, I get paid a few pennies for telling you about this but I do genuinely think it’s the best thing ever! hang all the little bits, wipes, socks, breastpads etc on it and move it around your house or garden as you like! If it starts raining go and grab it in – rather than unpeg it all in the rain. 

This one is metal, plastic ones give up the ghost after a few years. I’ve even strung a few extra pegs on mine.

Mine lives under the sofa in the lounge, flat on the floor, I hang it on the doorhandle and watch TV whilst hanging the endless socks, knickers and washable makeup wipes we now get through. Once it’s full I hang it in the sun somewhere in the garden. 

To get your hands on some fluff, head over to a Nappuccino and pick up a trial kit!

Nope. I do 2 washes a week of just nappies, wraps and wipes. (Wednesday and Sunday), you don’t have to do anything more complicated that a normal wash… just put them in! (No-one is asking you to sit on the bank of a river up to your knees in suds!)

More and more nurseries are accepting cloth nappies, if you point out to them that it will save the nursery money as their disposal costs will be lower. Paul from Munchkins told me a few weeks ago that there were more babies in cloth nappies than disposables in their baby room. As long as you show the nursery which nappy you are using, how it works and provide them with a washable wet bag to take the nappies home they are only too pleased to use cloth.


Neither have I, I’ve got a washing line, 2 airers, a peggy and a house! If you use a tumble drier it has an impact on the environment and massively adds to your costs. Drying outside is the best! The sun bleaches any stubborn marks and they look great flapping about!


This is true but worth it, you’ve bought a pushchair and a car seat why not a bundle of nappies? There’s always ‘freecycle’ or ‘Gumtree’ or see what they’ve got at proper job , finally ebay have changed their nappy policy to allow used nappies to be traded . I’m always at the baby market with preloved nappies so come and grab a bargain. ERNI can give you £20 off if you trial through him!

You’ll need some biodegradable/flushable wipes and a waterproof bag. If the nappy is just wet, dump the liner in the loo or the nappy bin. If it’s dirty you’ve got two options depending on the facilities to hand, if there is a loo, great, flush it as you would do at home, if not – wrap it all up really well, (don’t put it in your change bag, just in case!) and deal with it when you get home.

We’ve had the odd accident, hasn’t everyone? Even the most absorbent disposable nappy can’t cope with the worst case “explosion in the curry factory” poo, sending it shooting up baby’s back! And actually with a good outer wrap over a cloth nappy you get a second safety barrier against the most wayward poo’s! So ‘no’ I recon they are better than disposables.

Here is my price list for you to download… Brochure Price List Feb 17

So opt for a shaped nappy with velcro. If you’re using flat terries they can be tricky at first, but if my husband can do it and all the girls at Munchkins Day Nursery can do it! Then so can you! Here’s a page on how to do the most basic folds. You don’t need to worry about pins either; the Nappy Nippa is the best thing since sliced bread! It grips the nappy and holds it together.

Download these helpful Nappy Folding Instructions!

Actually it doesn’t; the odd drop of tea tree oil on the back of the lid keeps it really fresh. In our house the posh white bucket (with lid) sits tidily next to the loo so that solids are dropped straight into the loo. Baby poo and wee is not as strong as an adults.

So don’t bother! Our modern washing machines and detergents remove the need for soaking. If you want to give them a quick sluice  if you’ve given your baby a bath why not rinse the nappies in the baby bathwater before you pull the plug? Modern cloth nappies don’t require soaking as this can limit the life expectancy of the waterproof outers – it’s up to you Dry pail / Wet pail – you choose.

Three main types of nappies:

  1. All-in-one nappies.
    The most simple to use but most expensive. Some come in different sizes so as your baby grows you’ll need to buy the next size. There are some designed to fit all sizes These are called ‘Birth to potty’
  2. Shaped nappies or pre-folds.
    These are shaped or folded nappies which are fastened in place with either Velcro or “Nappy Nippas” – then covered with a waterproof cover. They are mid price range.
  3. Flat Terry nappies;
    toweling squares that are folded into the desired shape and then held together with a pin or “Nappy Nippa”. Then waterproof covers protect baby’s clothes. Tried and tested by our parents and grandparents! The cheapest, fastest to dry but fiddliest

What you will need to get started:

  • 24/30 nappies – the more you have – the less frequently you need to wash and dry – plus its better to have a full load.
  • At least 5 nappy wraps (I’ve got 8, most of which were 2nd hand – these are not necessary with ‘All in Ones’)
  • Nappy liners, either flushable or cloth/fleece.
  • A nappy bucket with a lid.
  • A Nappy Nippa (Not necessary with ‘All in Ones’)
  • Top and tail bucket.
  • 12/20 Washable nappy wipes.

Optional but not essential:

  • Flushable Biodegradable wipes.
  • An extra bucket for storing nappies whilst you gather enough nappies for a whole load.
  • Fleece liners, for overnight. These are made from fleece and are dry to the touch even when very wet.