Check out my tried and tested Friday Playgroups!

Here you will find times, cost, details about the group and what to expect, plus directions and contact details. You’re welcome!

The Baby Room - Drop In

Time: 9.30am – 4pm

Cost: £donations welcome

New families with non mobile babies are welcome to just come all day to The Baby Room for support, whether that’s with Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding, a hug, or for a friendly natter! Worried about something and need to chat it through?

We are a safe space for you and your baby. Run by experienced Breastfeeding Peer Supporters we are here for you. Drop in – no need to book. 

Of course this IS the place to come for slings, cloth nappies and all that jazz but we have loads more too.

A ground floor baby change and bathroom, sofas for hanging out and meeting others, refreshments and a bolt hole for when you need us. 

You can hire stuff from here too, breastpumps, slings, books, nappy kits, feeding pillows, TENS machines and more! 

Come to find out about the fab range of groups upstairs in the studio.

Jen 07886626093 or our Facebook page 

West Exe Nursery

Time: 9.30 – 11

Cost: £2.50

BOOKING ESSENTIAL, please call Becs on reception.

The sessions are all about play and spending time playing with your child.

The children remain your responsibility throughout the session, please keep them within sight. If you need any help at any time, staff are happy to help.

There will be a variety of activities set up that you can try. This includes messy play
and water, so please bring spare clothes. 

We use a range of authentic and natural
materials for you to explore.

At 10am every week, we go to the big garden. It is quite an adventure getting there and we must all move together as we go through the Nursery School. If you don’t want to go, that’s fine, you can stay and play in the playroom.

We provide tea and coffee. Please bring a healthy snack for your child, we generally have this after the big garden adventure at 10.30am.

 At 10.45am we all tidy up together and end the session with some singing. It’s okay if your child doesn’t want to join in, you can continue to play, or leave at any time.

If you would like a tour of the Nursery School, please book this at Reception. More information at:

Becs on reception 01392 279361

Mini Mints, The Mint, Fore Street

Time: 9.30am – 11.30am – Term time only

Cost: £1 suggested donation

PLEASE BOOK A SPACE! Please call ahead and reserve a space.

Toys, Craft, refreshments, stories and songs.

After the group there is a chance to join in with ‘church mice’ which is a worship group for preschool aged children and their parents.

Storytime at the Library

Time: 11am

Cost: £0

Where else is there the best selection of stories?… 

The librarians love their selection of books and are keen to share this love with you. Take your little one along to listen and enjoy the space.

Exeter Central Library website 

Twins and Multiples Club

Time: 10am – 11.30 am

Cost: £0! 

Twice the love and double the fun! 
Parents of multiples are welcome to this group at Chestnut Center,  

It’s a chance to surround yourself with parents who understand what life is like with more than one baby. 

Tips and tricks, ideas and support over a cup of tea and a snack. 

Parklife Baby and Toddler Group

Time:  10 – 11:30 Term Time only

Cost: £1 voluntary donation

In the heart of the community in the beautiful new ParkLife Cafe space, it’s lovely and light, warm and welcoming. It’s a place designed for cuppas and connections, all are welcome, parents and carers, Grandparents too. 

There will be story time, singing and a little snack and a drink. 

Please book here to reserve your space.

There is capacity for 20 adults so be sure to book online using the form. 

Book your space here...

Caroline or Kate 

Dad's and Littl 'uns, Palace Gate Centre

Time: 10am – 12 noon

Cost: £3

Yes, that′s right. A playgroup for dads and toddlers! 

‘We′re just groups of normal blokes, who also happen to be dads looking after their children during the week.

Some of us are homedads full time. Some have part time employment, and do the childcare on the other days. Some even work full time but with shift patterns that allow them to come to the playgroup with their kids. Room full of toys, games, crafts and play things for all pre school ages.’

Coffee and tea on tap for dads. Bring your own snacks. (nut free please) Great chance for dads and their little ones to get together and socialise.

Sam 07515109093 

Sylvania Little Ones

Time: 10-12

Cost: £1

A welcoming group in a new community space! 

Toys and activities for babies/non mobile little ones from 9.30 then these bits get tidied away to make space for older one at 10.45. 

There is singing at 11 and then activities for toddlers til 12. 

All ages are always welcome tho but we will try to keep smaller ones safe by welcoming you at the earlier session so bigger kids have space to room to roam. 

Georgie via Facebook

Exeter Babies Baby and Childrens Market

Bounce & Rhyme, Pinhoe Library

Time: 10:30am – 11.30am

Cost: FREE


Run by volunteers, ‘Bounce & Rhyme’ is a fab session in the heart of the community. 

It’s thought by some that we will forget some of our traditional nursery rhymes – pop along to Bounce and Rhyme to refresh your memory!


Broadclyst Toddlers, Broadclyst Pavillion

Time: 10 – 11.30 Term Time only

Cost: £2


The toddler group is for all children between 0 and 4 and their ‘grown up helpers’. We meet Friday mornings during term time between 10.00 and 11.30am at the Sports Pavilion, Holly Close.

We aim to deliver a good mix of free play time, themed sessions (i.e. seasonal craft, cooking, and even science!), encouraging social skill development by sitting down to a snack and rounding the session off with a good old sing-song of all the traditional, favourite nursery rhymes and a few more modern adaptations!

The cost is £2.00 per family, which includes all craft materials, cooking ingredients, snack and of course, a cup of tea for Mum!

Flamingos -

Time: 10-11 First Friday of the month.

Cost: £TBC


This group is specifically for children with allergies. There will be no food or drink at this group. 

It must be so scary to be mum to a child with severe allergies, at every group there are hidden dangers, oranges, cheese, nuts and milk to name but a few. Snack time can be messy, food on the floor and on hands and toys.  
So if this is you and your child, here is a group where the worry has been taken away. 

There are new toys and a very clean environment. There will be guest speakers from the Devon Allergy Clinic to answer any questions. 

Please contact the group before heading out. or call Beth on 07943411242 
Here is their Facebook page…

Playgroup called Flamingos