Here you will find times, cost, details about the group and what to expect, plus directions and contact details. You’re welcome!
Time: 10 – 11:00 Term Time and Holidays!
Cost: £1 per child
A playgroup with a difference, Jan runs a ‘real time play’ session, this session is supported by a trained ‘Children and Adolescent Counsellor’ and a special needs advisor.
This is quite an intentional group, you and your child will learn skills and new activities to take home and is all about development and learning through play.
It’s a supportive and encouraging environment where parents can find information about play.
Be prepared to get messy and have fun!
Time: 9.30am – 4pm
Cost: £donations welcome
New families with non mobile babies are welcome to just come all day to The Baby Room for support, whether that’s with Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding, a hug, or for a friendly natter! Worried about something and need to chat it through?
We are a safe space for you and your baby. Run by experienced Breastfeeding Peer Supporters we are here for you. Drop in – no need to book.
Of course this IS the place to come for slings, cloth nappies and all that jazz but we have loads more too.
A ground floor baby change and bathroom, sofas for hanging out and meeting others, refreshments and a bolt hole for when you need us.
You can hire stuff from here too, breastpumps, slings, books, nappy kits, feeding pillows, TENS machines and more!
Come to find out about the fab range of groups upstairs in the studio.
Jen 07886626093 or our Facebook page
Time: 9.30 – 10.30am
Cost: Free
Belmont Church welcomes you to a brand new fortnightly groups for new familes.
Non mobile babies are welcome at this session which you must book by texting Amy, there are 8 spaces and it’s first come first served.
Belmont really know how to welcome you, there will be tea and coffee and listening ears. All Covid safe and secure in this warm and loving environment.
First session is October 5th 2020
Amy Davis –
Time: 9.30am – 11.30am
Cost: £1 per family
A friendly, relaxed and informal group of parents, grandparents and children aged between 0 and 5 years.We meet every Monday in the Richard Reynolds Centre next to the church, from 10-11.30am.We have a variety of toys to play with, an outside area for sunny days, a craft activity every session, along with singing and a small snack (please bring a cup or beaker for your child). Tea and coffee is provided for the grown ups.A great opportunity for both you and your child to make new friends.
01392 274724
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