Here you will find times, cost, details about the group and what to expect, plus directions and contact details.
Tried and tested.
Time: 9.30am – 4pm
Cost: £donations welcome
New families with non mobile babies are welcome to just come all day to The Baby Room for support, whether that’s with Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding, a hug, or for a friendly natter! Worried about something and need to chat it through?
We are a safe space for you and your baby. Run by experienced Breastfeeding Peer Supporters we are here for you. Drop in – no need to book.
Of course this IS the place to come for slings, cloth nappies and all that jazz but we have loads more too.
A ground floor baby change and bathroom, sofas for hanging out and meeting others, refreshments and a bolt hole for when you need us.
You can hire stuff from here too, breastpumps, slings, books, nappy kits, feeding pillows, TENS machines and more!
Come to find out about the fab range of groups upstairs in the studio.
Jen 07886626093 or our Facebook page
Time: Two sessions 10am and 11am
Cost: £0
Make some noise in the quietest place in town.
It’s free – they just want to show off their fab space.
Learn the best nursery rhymes and look at the books and all the library has to offer. It’s a 30 min activity to break up your day and have some fun.
There is baby change and weighing station too
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am and 1:30pm – 3:30pm Term Time Only
Cost: Voluntary Donations
The only playgroup I’ve found with a sand pit! This a huge bright room full of fun!
There‘s a Wendy house, dressing up clothes, a reading corner with squashy cushions, a safely cordoned off carpeted area with smaller toys for babies, Jigsaw tables, Arts and Crafts, Playdoh table, dolls house table. Tea and coffee for grownups and juice and a biscuit for little ones. We gather for a good old sing song before tidying up. I love it!!
Julia – 01392 424181
Time: 9.30 – 11am
Cost: £2 Per Family
This is the biggest space you never knew about! Just off the high st. Southernhay URC has a new group.
There is loads of room for Freeplay, craft, songs, Healthy Snacks
Mid-week Sparklers is a toddler group for parents/carers to bring along their little ones. We meet at Southernhay United Reformed Church every Tuesday Morning from 9.30am-11am.
It is £2 per family and there is a mix of free play, singing and crafts for the children and tea/coffee for the adults. The group will start on the 17th of January, please sing-up in advance using the link in the Contact details.
Time: 9:30-11:00 Term Time Only
Cost: £1 per family
Ladysmith Toddler Group is located next to Ladysmith Infant School, in the community room (accessed via Pretoria Road near the bottom of Sampsons Lane)
There are various fun activities set out for children to explore including some sort of tactile/messy play, art and craft activity,plus lots of toys and a small out door area with ride-ons.
Hot drinks for adults are provided, along with squash or water and biscuits for all. Families are welcome to bring their own snacks as well if required.
In all sessions we finish by gathering on the carpet for a story and to sing songs together as a group; we encourage everyone to join in, although please don’t worry if your child has other ideas!
At the end of each session we sing a ‘good bye’ song, in which we sing goodbye to the children
Here is the Facebook page for the group run by Imogen.
Time: 10-11.30am (term time only)
Cost: Suggested donation
Yay! Back again! Stay and Play is fab! Run by the Children’s Centre staff. Now in the 100 club.
A group for Parents/carers and their under 5’s. Spend time with your child exploring and interacting and enjoying lots of fun activities.
Everyone is welcome to come along and have some fun in a warm friendly environment.
Healthy snack bag on departure.
Just checking…. hold on….
Time: 9.30am-10.50am
Cost: Free
Polo Tinies is all about support, it’s based IN the Church (not the hall) and is your opportunity to meet fellow new parents, create community and friendships over a hot drink (not one you forgot about 4 hours ago)
There are a linited number of spaces available so be sure to book in with Jessica or though the website.
Time: 10am-11.30am
Cost: Free
OPEN! 30 spaces available.
Please email Jessica if you want to come to this super group. This is the toddler group, so expect fun and your usual toddler chaos in the Church Hall.
Their website promises ‘toys and games galore, singing and stories and snacks for children Tea, coffee and hot chocolate and snacks for everyone – sounds fab!
They run in the half terms but take a break over Easter, Christmas and the Summer hols.
Time: 1pm – 4pm
Cost: £6 annual membership – see website for more info
I just love the toy libraries, especially for toys which are big or expensive! It is especially good when you just know your kids are bored with the wet weather and all their indoor toys. Come and BORROW something….like a library!!! Who knew! We borrowed a small activity table whilst Nancy was learning to stand and a numeracy game just when she started school, you can view all the items they have online via the website…
01392 436777 or visit their website
Time: 9:30am – 11:30am – Term Time only
Cost: £1 per person (under 6ms are free)
America Hall is huge! So much space for burning off energy, there are loads of cars and push along toys, pushchairs and ride ons, there’s a seesaw and a slide. There are craft tables and various artistic activities. Half way through the session 10.15 ish we stop for a snack and a drink with Tea and Coffee for grown ups. At the end of the session we sing some songs whilst they toys are tidied away. The highlight of the group is the ‘Ready Steady Go’ game which involves running/toddling from one end of the hall to the other!
This group has been running since 1973!
Time: 10am – 12 noon
Cost: £2 for first child and 50p thereafter
Ok so it’s not smack bang in Exeter but hey – Whitestone Toddler group is perfect if you live on the Exwick side of town.
It runs term time only and has the best views of Exeter ever. The hall is bright and roomy and there is always a warm welcome from the volunteers or their facebook page
Time: 9.30am – 11am
Cost: £2 per child
I’ve yet to review this myself but I’m told there is an area for babies, a craft activity for the older ones each week, toys to play with and then a book and song at the end. Sounds great! I’ll see you soon! This group occasionally opens in the summer holidays but please check first.
01392 662280
Time: 10:00am – 11.20am Term Time only
Cost: £1
Run by members of Trinity church. Loads of toys and things to do in a very friendly environment, there is a craft session making facemasks, supervised sticking and painting. There are soft toys and ride ons, Playdoh, puzzles and bricks. At 11o’clock we have a drink and a biscuit and a good loud sing song before we finish.
Jane: 01392 460940
Time: 9.30 – 11.15
Cost: £1
A warm welcoming group, parents, carers, grandparents and childminders are all welcome at this group. It’s nice to see on their blurb that ‘expectant mums’ are welcome too (as if you’d turn her away anyway! but it’s good to point this out!)
There are loads of toys, a fabulous snack time, singing and craft.
Term time only.
Join their facebook group for more info
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