The Baby Room

The Baby Room is our our fabulous space just for new parents, 

We have recently moved to Paris Street in Exeter!

We love what we do, we are open Monday to Saturday 9.30 am to 4 pm.

We came about in 2016 when the Childrens’ Centres closed. If you’ve got time to read something here is our story…. 

Trying to find us….? Click here for directions…

At the Baby Room we have an army of Breastfeeding Peer Supporters who come and help at many of the sessions but if you need us when we are closed head to the Facebook page.

You can hire a breast pump, birth pool, nappy kit or a sling – create a hire account here

See you soon 
Jen and Gill x

Welcome to
The Baby Room
Friendly & Welcoming
Meet 'The Sling Lady'
Gill is happy to help
Cloth Nappy Demonstrations
Get to grips with a bum in cloth


The melting pot of support - weekly meetings

Come along and join the fun!

Find out more

Real Nappies

Find out how you can save £££ and the planet one nappy at a time....

Environmentally Friendly

Click Here


We have a huge range of preloved maternity and nursing clothes, secondhand breastpumps and cushions at The Baby Room, all which brings us funds to help keep our free breastfeeding service going.

We have a lovely selection of things to buy, some are locally made by our Work at Home Mums, we sell post birth bath soaks, birthday cards, teething necklaces, Soaps by Soap Daze, Blade and Rose leggings, Loofa products, wooden Instruments.

We look after 30 hireable breastpumps too! 

Our library is a useful resource of pregnancy, breastfeeding and parenting books. It costs £1 to borrow a book.

If you have any questions about booking the space for your class or workshop please get in touch.

Enjoy! (we do!)